ACT transport demand elasticities study : final report to the Department of Urban Services.

Booz Allen Hamilton

The prime objective of the study was to produce a suite of own, cross, and transfer elasticity estimates for car, bus and taxi users in the ACT. The elasticity estimates included two travel periods (i.e. peak and off-peak) for the work, education and ‘other’ travel markets, covering the following service attributes: * Bus and taxi fare * Car costs * In-vehicle time * Service frequency * Car parking costs. The elasticity estimates will provide an input into the development of parking pricing policies, ACTION annual fare determinations and assistance in the development of Government policies to achieve transport and sustainable development objectives. This study was undertaken in conjunction with Douglas Economics who advised on key methodological issues associated with both the elasticity model and the stated preference experiments and Datacol, which undertook the market research. The three key elements of the study were: * Assessment of the existing travel market * Assessment of traveller characteristics * Development of an elasticity estimation model (Author/publisher)

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20030701 ST [electronic version only]

Canberra, Booz Allen Hamilton, 2003, 49 p.

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