Active strategy to reduce accidents (ASTRA).

Rogers, A. & Postlethwaite, S.

The ASTRA scheme is an educational strategy for novice drivers in the 16-19 year age group with the overall aim of reducing road casualties. It is a ministerial priority within the government to reduce road casualties over 10 years on a national basis by 40% by the year 2010 and 50% in child casualties. The main objective is to influence the attitude of young drivers towards speed, drink and drugs, vehicle maintenance and passenger responsibilities. The scheme has been in place for three years and is now delivered to students of the target age group in 100% of secondary schools and colleges within Warwickshire. It is a 5-10 year plan and although the results to date in this very early stage are of no statistical value, the signs are encouraging. For the covering abstract see ITRD E119888. This paper may also be accessed by Internet users at:

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C 27811 (In: C 27801 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E119898

In: Safer driving : reducing risks, crashes & casualties : proceedings of the 68th RoSPA Road Safety Congress, Blackpool, 3-5 March 2003, 8 p.

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