Activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe to promote safety in tunnels.

Pesut, A. & Smith, C.

Following major tunnel fires in the Mont Blanc Tunnel and the Tauern Tunnel, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) recognised the need to develop international norms for tunnel safety. A multidisciplinary Group of Experts on Safety in Tunnels was set up and made 45 recommendations. These measures were structured in four categories reflecting the main factors influencing tunnel safety: road users, tunnel operation, infrastructure and vehicles. The incorporation of the recommendations into European legislation relating to road traffic safety, the carriage of dangerous goods, and fuel tanks is discussed. National experts were also asked to consider safety in railway tunnels. The objectives of safety measures in railway tunnels were identified as, by order or priority, prevention of accidents, mitigation of the consequences of accidents, facilitation of escape and facilitation of rescue.

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I E125355 [electronic version only] /10 /25 / ITRD E125355

Routes Roads. 2004 /10. (324) Pp82-9

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