Adaptive cableless signal co- ordination using a spectral estimation algorithm.

Ng, M.J.T. Hoang, D.B. Hedley, G.R. & Cahill, L.W.

A traffic adaptive signal co- ordination scheme for co- ordinating isolated traffic signals on an arterial road without incurring the cost of installing cables or leasing communication links is described. The co- ordination scheme is based on a spectral analysis, called a short- term fourier analysis (STFA), of traffic approaching each isolated intersection.Essential signal co- ordination parameters, namely, cycle time and offset are derived on- line.The adaptive algorithm has been implemented on a microprocessor to evaluate and simulate cableless signal co- ordination.

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B 27891 (In: B 23931 [electronic version only]) /73 / IRRD 277394

In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the Australian Road Research Board ARRB, Hobart, Tasmania, August 27-31, 1984, Volume 12, Part 5, Traffic Behaviour, p. 178-191, 12 ref.

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