Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Europe (ADASE), Deliverable D2A : advanced driver assistance systems : results of the state of the art of ADASE-II.

Berghout, L. Versteegt, E. & Arem, B. van

Assistance Systems (ADAS) is growing importance as these systems are expected to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. ADAS are systems that partly support or take over the driver’s tasks. This article provides a state of the art of the current development in ADAS and is written within the framework of the “Advance Driver Assistance in Europe –II” (ADASE-II) project. The information used in the State of the Art has been obtained from a survey among members of the ADASE-II consortium and has been restricted to 37 R&D projects on ADA related systems for road transport, for passenger cars, freight transport and public transport. The projects are characterised by the functionality of the system, the focus of the research (technology, HMI, etc.), extension of overtake of control (advisory vs. fully automated), vehicle type (passenger cars, public transport), project type (desk research, demonstration, etc.), stakeholders, implementation status, main objective (safety, throughput, etc.), and the applicable road network. From this survey it was observed that most projects do not focus on one or more specific ADAS functionalities such as safe speed or pedestrian protection, but instead pay attention to a whole range of functionalities. Figure E1 presents the number of projects focussing on general ADAS or a specific ADA functionality versus research areas such as HMI or technology development. The emphasis is clearly on technological development. It was also observed that most projects are demonstration type projects in which certain technologies are demonstrated. In all projects, governments (European or national) belong to the stakeholders. Car manufacturers and suppliers of ADAS are also widely involved, while universities and research institutes participate in half of the reviewed projects. Most attention is paid to advisory systems, only 1 project (CyberCars) focused on fully automated vehicles. The main objective of most projects is to increase safety. Increases in throughput, environment or comfort are pursued much less often. From this State of the Art it can be concluded that safety has become the main motivation for R&D into ADAS in the EU. In this respect, safety has to be understood in a holistic sense in which attention is paid to a variety of safety aspects, such as pre-crash safety or pedestrian safety. When compared to the State of the Art performed in ADASE-I, there is an increasing interest in the technological development of systems for the detection, perception and interpretation of infrastructure and other (vulnerable) road users. Worldwide there is a sustained interest in R&D of ADA systems. Co-operative road-vehicle systems and vehicle-vehicle systems are also emerging worldwide. Finally, since 1998, several commercial ADAS applications have entered the market, such as Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Departure Warning. The website of the ADASE 2 project with all the products of this project can be found at (Author/publisher)

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20060841 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, DaimlerChrysler AG], 2003, IV + 32 p., 56 ref.

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