Advanced driving behavioral analysis and application for future active safety.

Doi, S.

A major cause of vehicle accidents has been found in the human factors involved in a driver’s maneuvers, especially in errors of recogni-tion, judgment, and operation. Making better designs for driver support requires, first of all, precise measurement of behaviors and an un-derstanding of the phenomena, in order to apply this information to and fit it with personal behaviors. In this paper, recent technical trendsin driving behavioral analysis are reviewed for driving support systems, and examples of advanced behavioral analysis are shown that pre-dict future applications for active safety, as well as suggesting research topics for future development of driving support. (Author/publisher)

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C 38693 [electronic version only]

Review of Automotive Engineering, Vol. 28 (2007), No. 1 (January), p. 3-9, 19 ref.

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