Advanced Road Transportation System ARTS.

Nakamura, M.

This paper presents the ARTS (Advanced Road Transportation System) project in Japan. By introducing advanced communication technologies, ARTS integrates vehicles and roads, and gives them intelligent functions. ARTS aims to: (1) achieve easy driving by providing driving support or automatic operation for all drivers, and also help pedestrians and cyclists to use roads easily by supplying them with information; (2) increase road safety, by providing information about the driving environment, alerting drivers to dangerous conditions, guaranteeing safe driving by vehicle control, and controlling overloaded vehicles and vehicles carrying hazardous materials; (3) reduce traffic congestion by providing traffic congestion by providing information about optimal routes and time periods; (4) increase the efficiency of road use by providing road traffic information and realising high-density vehicle operation; and (5) improve the environment by smoother traffic flow and more efficient road use. The two parts of ARTS serve drivers and administrators. ARTS concentrates on road transport infrastructure, mainly through roadside information and communication control facilities. The paper outlines a scenario for implementing ARTS, and plans for future research and development on ARTS.

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C 5324 (In: C 5303) /73 / IRRD 870096

In: Proceedings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Seminar on Advanced Road Transport Technologies TT3, Omiya, Japan, June 6 - June 9, 1994, p. 272-282

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