Advances in Intelligent Transportation System design : papers presented at the Future Transportation Technology International Conference, San Diego, California, August, 6-8, 1997.


This Special Publication (SP-1285) includes presentations from two Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems (AVCSS) sessions of the 1997 SAE Future Transportation Technology Conference. One session focuses on systems in which vehicles operate on specially equipped lanes, namely the Automated Highway System (AHS). The other session addresses the other AVCSS systems in which the driver is assisted through warnings and/or partial or temporary control of vehicle operations. For abstracts of the papers presented at the conference see C 16624 - C 16634.

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C 16623 [electronic version only] /73 /90 /61 /83 /10 /15 /50 /71 /72 /82 / ITRD E203771

Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1997, 91 p., 69 ref.; SP-1285 - ISBN 0-7680-0041-6

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