Advies (brom)fietsveiligheid tweede Heinenoordtunnel

een advies voor maatregelen en voorzieningen die een juiste en veilige afwikkeling van het (brom)fietsverkeer door de oeververbinding moet bevorderen. In opdracht van Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Directie Zuid-Holland.
Vis, A.A.

The Dutch Department of Public Works started construction of the Second Heinenoord Tunnel in the autumn of 1996. It was decided to bore two tunnels immediately next to one another. Both tunnels are designed for two-way traffic. One tunnel handles agricultural vehicles. The other handles the remaining slow traffic. For this second group of road users, the gradient percentage on the tunnel approaches is so steep that the tunnel tube intended for these road users will have an escalator and an elevator at either end. Without providing additional provisions, however, it cannot be ruled out that some moped and bicycle riders will want to avoid the delay associated with the escalator or elevator and will thus make improper use of the tunnel meant to handle agricultural vehicles. To prevent this from happening, the road authority is imposing a prohibition banning moped and bicycle riders from using the tunnel meant for agricultural vehicles. Whether this measure will be enough, however, is doubtful. In this report recommendations are given about measures and provisions to encourage, and to preferably guarantee, effective and safe observance of the measure. A distinction is made between infrastructural provisions described in great detail and non-infrastructural measures such as educational and public information activities, and police supervision.


C 8803 [electronic version only] /21 /25 /73 /82 / IRRD 892350

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1997, 42 p., 21 ref.; R-97-23


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