Adviseurs Veiligheid, Energie en Milieu AVEM

het effect van een persoonlijke benadering tegenover voorlichtingscampagnes om draagvlak te creëren voor implementatie van een veiligheidsplan binnen bedrijven in de transportsector. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.
Lindeijer, J.E.

This qualitative study investigated the effectiveness of a personal approach by safety, energy and environment consultants (AVEM) versus information and promotion campaigns and/or regulations in order to successfully stimulate safety policy. Emphasis is placed on the goods transport sector. A limited damage prevention policy (damage registration, reporting and feedback system for the drivers) had the highest likelihood of being implemented by companies, certainly if the insurance companies `exert pressure'. A possible side effect of a limited damage prevention policy seems to be an improved (road) safety behaviour of professional drivers, and greater fuel economy. The basis for a successful damage prevention policy is a turnabout in culture regarding managerial thinking about the control of costs associated with damages. Possible barriers that could block this turnabout in culture include for instance: (1) a situation where transport only forms a small part of the core company activity; and (2) resistance to change and/or to interference from outside (certainly amongst small-scale family businesses). Due to the lack of advice and support with the implementation of forthcoming industrial safety measures (aftercare), the success achieved by AVEM participants seems to be coming to a standstill. It is recommended to make the AVEM concept more concrete.


C 7113 [electronic version only] /10 / IRRD 887716

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1996, 27 p., 6 ref.; R-96-50


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