Advisory speed limits : should they be expanded or not? Contribution XVth International Study Week Traffic Engineering and safety: Traffic engineering & the Driver, Theme 2: Speed limits and the driver, Venice, 23-28 September 1985.

Wegman, F.C.M.

Advisory speed limits are meant to be used intermittently in situations which are recognised by the road user, while at the same time, not giving a clear suggestion as to the speed which should be sustained. At present advisory speed limits are almost exclusively applied in narrow road curves. This measure seems to be effective. However, suggestions as to wider application of advisory speed limits should be treated with some reserve. Ineffective applications could lead to the devaluation of the measure and to more accidents at places where advisory speed limits have a positive influence on the speed pattern. This report is an english translation and updated version of B 22357 (IRRD 271130).


B 24547 [electronic version only] /73/82/ IRRD 287677

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1985, 13 p., 9 ref.; R-85-26


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