Aerodynamic analysis of vehicles in tunnels.

Strom, C.R.

An analytical method is presented for determining aerodynamic drag and power requirements of a vehicle operating in a tunnel. The theory and numerical techniques are discussed. Low vehicle velocity results are presented and shown to compare favourably with experimental and other theoretical data. High speed results for operation in long tunnels over a range of tunnel/vehicle geometrics are also given. Based upon the results, a physical description of the wave phenomena occurring in the tunnel is presented. Unsteady and steady state drag coefficient data are developed.

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B 7344 (In: B 7139) /23/91/

In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels, Canterbury, 1973, edited by H.S. Stephens, A.L. King and C.A. Richardson, Cranfield, British Hydromechanics Research Association, 1974, p. C2-17- C2-42.

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