Afstemming ontgrondingenbeleid op efficiënt gebruik van grond door aanpassing van materiaaltechnische voorschriften.

Wiegers, H.

This paper describes a method of adjusting the soil winning code of practice so that procedures can be made more efficient. This requires clear identification of the specific character of each type of soil. The Dutch draft standard NEN 5104: "Classification of Unconsolidated Soil Samples" could be used as a basis for this. The terminology of the current material specifications would have to be changed to that used in the standard. The standard parameters defined in NEN 5104 could be expanded to provide a more detailed description of each soil sample. Such a description should be correlated with the practical use of each soil wherever possible.

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C 3310 (In: C 3292 S) /41 / IRRD 824392

In: Wegbouwkundige werkdagen 1988, Ede, 26 en 27 mei 1988, Deel 3: Stroom III : alternatief en (her) gebruik & bijzondere onderwerpen, 10 p., 19 ref.

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