Age and sex of drivers associated with child pedestrian injuries.

Thompson, R. Choonara, I.A. Hewitt, S. & Holt, M.

In 2002 there were 237 road traffic collisions (RTCs) involving a child pedestrian in Derbyshire. Complete details were available for 200 RTCs. There was a significantly lower proportion of female drivers (34.5%) than expected according to the number of female drivers registered nationally (43%). Similarly, there was a greater proportion of drivers under the age of 40 years involved in RTCs with children as pedestrians (58.5%) than anticipated (42.1%). Drivers between the ages of 17-20 and 31-40 years were significantly more likely to be involved in an RTC with a child as a pedestrian. Male drivers and drivers under the age of 40 years are more likely to be involved in RTCs with children as pedestrians. Educational publicity campaigns to reduce driver speeds in urban areas need to be targeted at those drivers most likely to be involved in an RTC with a child. (Author/publisher)

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C 26416 [electronic version only]

Journal of Child Health Care, Vol. 7 (2003), No. 3 (September), p. 184-190, 11 ref.

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