Age curves and their regional relevance : are your assets deteriorating at the optimum rate?

Huefner, A.E.

Age curves are used to display the historical deterioration of groups of infrastructure assets which have the same life cycle. Both measured and subjective condition rating criteria can be used to create age curves for assets such as seals, pavements and bridge components. Anecdotal evidence indicates that in Australia, age curves or deterioration curves, for similar assets vary from region to region and indeed from locality to locality. This paper explores the importance of age curves and their regional variation to the whole-of-life management of road assets. The relationship between specific and local deterioration data, AAS27 requirements and maintenance management of road infrastructure is evaluated and presented. (A)

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C 18112 (In: C 18105 CD-ROM) /10 / ITRD 492026

In: Proceedings : papers presented at Transport 98, the 19th ARRB Conference, Sydney, Australia, 7-11 December 1998, Session A, p. 129-151, 5 ref.

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