Age differences in simulated driving performance: Compensatory processes.

Andrews, E.C. & Westerman, S.J.

In the context of driving, the reported experiment examines compensatory processes for age-related declines in cognitive ability. Younger (26-40 years) and older (60+ years) participants (ná=á22 each group) performed a car following task in a driving simulator. Several performance measures were recorded, including assessments of anticipation of unfolding traffic events. Participants also completed a range of measures of cognitive ability--including both fluid and crystallized abilities. Three examples of age-related compensation are reported: (i) older drivers adopted longer headways than younger drivers. Data were consistent with this being compensation for an age-related deficit in complex reaction time; (ii) older drivers with relatively higher cognitive ability anticipated traffic events more frequently, whereas the reverse pattern was found for younger drivers; and, (iii) older drivers with greater crystallized ability were less reliant on spatial ability to maintain lane position. Consistent with theories of "cognitive reserve," interactions between crystallized ability and age for self-report workload suggested that compensation for age-related cognitive ability deficits required investment of additional effort. Results are considered in the context of the prospects of further assessment of older drivers. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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TRIS 01368104

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2012 /03. Vol. 45. Pp660-668 (Tabs., Refs.)

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