An aid analysis of Texas traffic accident data before and during the energy crisis.

Golomb, D.H. & O'Day, J.

Fatal accident data from the State of Texas for two 6-months periods (one before and one during the energy crisis) have been analyzed using the Automatic Interaction Detector (AID) computer algorithm. This method indentifies those factors which account for the greatest difference in fatal accident involvement between the two periods. In support of this observation it is noted that the severity of crashes occurring in the crisis period decreased, as measured by the TAD (Traffic Accident Data) severity scale. Detailed breakdowns of the accident characteristics for the two periods are compared.

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B 8525 T /73/81/

Hit Lab Reports, Vol. 5 (1975), No. 7 (March), p. 1-6, 1 fig., 1 graph., 6 tab.

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