Air bag-associated ocular trauma in children.

Lueder, G.T.

This study aimed to describe a series of children with ocular injuries related to air bag deployment. A retrospective, observational case series design was employed. Subjects were 7 patients with ocular injuries sustained in automobile accidents in which air bags were deployed. Medical records were reviewed. All patients had periocular contusions. Minor injuries included corneal abrasions, superficial eyelid laceration, and traumatic iritis. Serious injuries included corneal edema and traumatic hyphema with secondary glaucoma and cataract. The latter patient required surgery. All other injuries resolved with medical therapy and all patients recovered normal visual acuity. Serious ocular injuries in children may result from air bag deployment. These injuries tend to be minor and to resolve without sequela. It is recommended that infants and children travel in rear seats of motor vehicles to minimise injury risk. (A)

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C 35332 [electronic version only] /81 /84 /

Ophthalmology, Vol. 107 (2000), No. 8 (August), p. 1472-1475, 23 ref.

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