Air quality modeling at signalized intersections.

Patterson, R.M.

An approach is described for relating the impact of traffic on ambient carbon monoxide concentrations near signalized intersections by (1) computing the emission profiles due to acceleration and deceleration of queuing vehicles; (2) approximating the profile by simple step functions; (3) adding emission components for cruise and idle modes of vehicle operation; and (4) using the derived emission profiles in a line source dispersion model to estimate ambient CO concentrations at selected receptor sites.

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B 12874 (In: B 10633 S) /93/ IRRD 223535

In: Proceedings of a Conference on the State of the Art of Assessing Transportation- Related Air Quality Impacts Washington, October 22-24, 1975, TRB Special Report No. 167, p. 138-151, 2 fig., 4 graph., 2 tab., 17 ref.

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