Airfield Pavement Monitoring : Specific Tools at Paris Airports Laboratory.

Jullemier, F.

Over the two last years, the duties of the Laboratory of Paris Airports, in charge of Airfield Pavement Monitoring, have been modified due to changes in the Company organisation, in the aerodrome certification process, and in the new recommendations for airfields operation. At each main Paris Airport (Charles de Gaulle, Orly, and Le Bourget), a unit named "Operational Unit" is fully in charge of the airfield pavement maintenance. This unitis at the same time the owner of the facilities and the operator. As the owner it is in charge of optimisation of maintenance policy during the life cycle of pavement. As the operator it has to fulfil ICAO and national recommendations. The Laboratory provides services for this unit: diagnosis of pavement condition, setting up and actualisation of the pavement database for maintenance management purposes; and operational assistance like friction measurement or FOD [foreign object damage] preventive auscultation. This paper will focus on two special tools and equipment used for pavementtests and surveys: a Geographic Information System (GIS) dedicated to pavement survey, with data collection in situ. A GPS antenna is used aboard the vehicle during the survey. This was developed with Esri products such as ArcGis 9.2. A special trailer for friction test. Although this trailer "IMAG" was first developed 15 years ago together with the Civil Aviation Technical Services, some new improvements and new rules during the two last years have allowed an accreditation (COFRAC), and approval by the French Civil Aviation Administration for the equipment. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 49082 (In: C 48739 DVD) /61 / ITRD E139840

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 11 p.

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