Airline emission charges: Effects on airfares, service quality, and aircraft design.

Brueckner, J.K. & Zhang, A.

This paper explores the effect of airline emissions charges on airfares, airline service quality, aircraft design features, and network structure, using a detailed and realistic theoretical model of competing duopoly airlines. These impacts are derived by analyzing the effects of an increase inthe effective price of fuel, which is the path by which emissions chargeswill alter airline choices. The results show that emission charges will raise fares, reduce flight frequency, increase load factors, and raise aircraft fuel efficiency, while having no effect on aircraft size. Given that these adjustments occur in response to the treatment of an emissions externality that is currently unaddressed, they represent efficient changes that move society closer to a social optimum. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E146945 /15 / ITRD E146945

Transportation Research, Part B. 2010 /09/11. 44(8) Pp960-971 (17 Refs.)

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