Airports as multimodal interchange nodes : report of the hundred and twenty sixth Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 20-21st March 2003.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport ECMT / CEMT, Economic Research Centre

With the dramatic increase in air transport due to the deregulation of the airline industry, transport policy is confronted with new challenges to provide land transport connections to airports. The Round Table discussed how the requirements of ensuring efficient land transport connectivity depend on the market structure of the airline industry and its impact on the airport network. To reduce the increasing dominance of private car use in airport connectivity, policy measures are required: to charge for the direct and indirect costs of the different modes; to de/regulate the public sector; and to provide incentives for improving airport design and organisation to increase the attractiveness of public transport. Transport policy itself could be more effective through improved co-ordination between airport and land transport planning. Moreover, through co-ordination mechanisms, regional location policies should avoid creating airport excess capacity. (Author/publisher)

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20050328 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, 2005, 172 p., 168 ref.; Round Table / ECMT ; 126 - ISBN 92-821-0339-0

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