Alcohol abuse and the baton rouge approach. Paper presented at the symposium of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D.C., June 9-10, 1970.

Haddon, W.

The importance of the issue of abusive use of alcohol in relation to highway crashes is emphasized. 25 diagrams are presented and discussed which show the relationship between body weight, blood alcohol level and ounces of 80 proof liquor consumed; blood alcohol concentration among drivers with and without accident involvement; b.a.c. among pedestrian of various ages involved in accidents; effect of alcohol on performance (vision, concentration); percentages of drivers with one and more arrests involving alcohol; etc. The diagrams are based on 1965 data.

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B 815 (In: B 814) /83.4/

In: Key issues in highway loss reduction : proceedings of the symposium of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS, Washington, D.C., June 9-10, 1970, p. 25-57

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