Alcohol and drugs in driving ability.

Möller, M.R. Biro, G. & Wagner, H.J.

Following a research program regarding individuals suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, a representative sampling of blood specimens (450 from 4000) has been analysed for the presence of drugs. For this purpose radioimmunological analysis (RIA) was employed. Positive results were found in 17.6 % of the cases examined. In addition to RIA, gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis was performed for further detection of drugs, which cannot be identified by the RIA.

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B 20910 (In: B 19594) /83.4/ IRRD 259930

In: Proceedings 8th international Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety, Stockholm, June 15-19, 1980, p. 512-520, 4 tab., 8 ref.

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