Alcohol and highway safety : a review of quest of remedies.


The Canadian Ministry of Transport accepted the leadership of the alcohol and highway portion of the Road Safety Pilot Study of the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. This review in quest of remedies is based on a questionnaire investigation of drinking/driving countermeasures in 28 countries and selected reference from the scientific literature. An experimental, explorative, and research-oriented approach is more warranted at the moment than the formulation of definitive, doctrinaire and inflexible verdicts in the domains of law and public education. Legal BAC limits are desirable. Ways must be sought and implemented to increase subjective apprehension risk. The total process of apprehension-prosecution-conviction should be designed to facilitate learning and behaviour change on the part of the public.

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B 4947 /83.4 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1974, 55 p., ref.; NATO/CCMS ; Report 28

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