Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco research 1999-2000 : register of research in The Netherlands and Flanders on the use, the users, and the effects of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco in 1999-2000.

Schippers, G.M. & Broekman, T.G. (eds.)

The intent of this volume is to facilitate the exchange of information on research on alcohol, drugs, and tobacco that has been done in The Netherlands and Flanders in the years 1999 and 2000. The eleventh volume in this series is funded by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport of the Netherlands and carried out by the Amsterdam Institute for Addiction Research in co-operation with Bureau Bêta in Nijmegen. Presented are all research projects in the domain of effects, use, and users of alcohol, (illegal) drugs, and tobacco that were started, running, or ended in these years. (A)

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20010960 ST

Nijmegen, Bêta Boeken, 2001, XVIII + 270 p., 351 ref.; Volume 11 - ISBN 90-72595-26-2

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