Alcohol interlocks.

Rouse, R. & Walsh, D.

The alcohol interlock is an in-vehicle device that analyses breath alcohol concentration and prevents the car from starting if the result is above the pre-set limit. In July the NSW Government tabled in Parliament the Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Interlock Devices) Bill 2002. The interlock program proposed in the Bill has been developed in conjunction with key stakeholder agencies. The objective of the proposed program is to target those drivers most at risk of re-offending and/or crashing. The Bill provides those convicted of a serious drink driving offence with an opportunity to rehabilitate themselves and to learn to drive without drinking. The interlock program includes a reduced disqualification period followed by a period on an interlock driver licence that restricts the licence holder to driving a vehicle fitted with an interlock device. These periods vary according to the severity of the offence. A key requirement of the program is for offenders to consult with a medical practitioner to discuss their drinking behaviour and have the opportunity for professional alcohol counselling. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract No. E208290.

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C 27228 (In: C 27215 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E208303

In: Building on success - making new gains : proceedings of the 6th Local Government Road Safety Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 6-9 August, 2002, 12 p., 7 ref.

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