Alcohol interlocks as a condition of licence reinstatement.

Beirness, D.J. & Simpson, H.M.

The past decade has seen tremendous growth in alcohol ignition interlock programs. This growth is attributable to the development of a viable and effective interlock device and interlock programs that have been successful in reducing recidivism. Despite the demonstrated success of interlock programs, participation in these programs remains relatively low – typically less than 10% of DWI offenders have an interlock installed. One means to increase participation in interlock programs is to make it a mandatory condition of licence reinstatement. The purpose of this document is to provide a discussion of the issues concerning the use of the interlock programs as a mandatory condition of licence reinstatement. The presentations and deliberations from an international symposium held in Toronto in November 2001 were used extensively in the preparation of this report. (Author/publisher)

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C 26387 [electronic version only]

Ottawa, Ontario, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada TIRF, 2003, VI + 51 p., 75 ref. - ISBN 0-920071-28-7

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