Alcohol levels of young drivers in France and lack of safety on the roads.

Filou, C. Khoudour, L. & L'Hoste, J.

The subject of this research sprang from questions about regional differences in alcohol levels observed in a road traffic context. Data obtained from previous surveys, while representative at a national level, were too general for any refined explanations to be established for differences in drinking habits. Indicators used by public health services record cases of chronic alcoholism that develop slowly over a long period, whereas the alcohol levels observed in road safety surveys reflect a momentary situation which varies according to the day, the hour and the road system. The results are presented of a road survey carried out in two departments, Haute-Garonne and Ille- et- Vilaine, between November 1984 and January 1986, in which an attempt was made to pinpoint the factors that contribute to young people of under 25 drinking and driving.

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C 583 (In: C 571) /83 / IRRD 810465

In: Young drivers impaired by alcohol and other drugs : proceedings of a symposium organised by the International Drivers' Behaviour Research Association, Amsterdam, September 13-15, 1986, p. 121-128

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