Alcohol in medicolegal cases seen at Jordan University Hospital.

Hadidi, K.A. Battah, A.H. & Hinnawi, S.

The magnitude of alcohol-associated incidents in relation to medicolegal cases, including road traffic accidents and acts of violence, has not been evaluated in Jordan. Between 1993 and 1995, 825 such cases received at Jordan University Hospital were screened for the presence of alcohol. Blood alcohol was positive in 9.1% of vehicle passengers, 9.6% of pedestrians, 12.4% of cases involving violence, 13.6% of drivers, 65% of cases brought by police and in 12.5% of other cases. Blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) ranged from 10-350mg/dL. BAC of more than 50mg/dL was found in 65% and 55% of driver and violence cases respectively, and in 33% to 69% of the other categories. Alcohol may have contributed to some of these incidents. In cases with positive BAC, prior alcohol intake was frequently denied. There was no association between cases with positive BAC and a particular time, date or occasion. (A)

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Medicine Science and the Law, Vol. 38 (1998), No. 1 (January), p. 70-73, 12 ref.

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