"Alcohol, niet als ik rij" : evaluatieonderzoek V.V.N.- campagne alcohol in het verkeer, 1987-1988.

Bruin, R.A. de

In this research the publicity campaign held by "Veilig Verkeer Nederland" in 1986- 87 is evaluated. The evaluation of this campaign on drinking and driving consists of the analysis of the results of questionnaire. The results of the research show significant improvements in reported behaviour with the pre- campaign measurement. These improvements have also been found in the observated behaviour.

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B 28268 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 820551

Haren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen RUG, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum VSC, 1988, 37 p. + app., 10 ref.; VK 88-12

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