Alcohol-related somatic and psychomotoric risks in emergency patients.

Leppek, R. Dallmann, S.J. Siegrist, J. Schnabel, M. & Klose, K.J.

This paper reports some results of a German study, aiming to evaluate alcohol-related injuries, treated in the emergency department of a large German community hospital. The costs of initial radiodiagnostics were estimated for all detected alcoholised patients, and compared according to the trauma aetiology. Additional sociodemographic data were considered, to clarify their possible effects on the trauma pattern. Data on 1548 patients were collected during two randomised periods, November to December 1991 and eahol consumption. The following data were collected about them: (1) type of accident; (2) medical history; (3) physical examination data; (4) radiodiagnostics; (5) neurological examination data; (6) serum alcohol concentration; and (7) psychomotor impairment. A control group of 51 non-alcoholised patients was examined in the second period, shortly after a reliable guarantee of never drinking alcohol. Eight charts give a fairly precise description of the studied patient group, including anthropometric and sociodemographic data. Alcohol-related somatic and psychomotor risks in emergency patients were found mainly among males. The results reflect both individual problems and social consequences.

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C 10444 (In: C 10387 [electronic version only]) /81 /83 / IRRD 866686

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety T92, held under the auspices of the International Committee on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety ICADTS, Cologne, Germany, 28 September - 2 October 1992, Band 2, p. 951-963, 3 ref.

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