Alcohol safety action projects : evaluation of operations- 1972. Volume II: Detailed analysis. Chapter 1 through 7.


The report is divided into seven chapters and the chapter titles are: 1. Development and Management of the ASAP Program. 2. ASAP Program Evaluation Methodology and Overall Program Impact. 3. Evaluation of the Enforcement Countermeasure Activities 4. Evaluation of the Judicial and Legislative Countermeasure Activities. 5. Evaluation of the Pre-Sentence Investigation and Probation Countermeasure Activities. 6. Evaluation of the Rehabilitation Countermeasure Activities. 7. Evaluation of the Public Information and Education Countermeasure Activities.

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B 6016 /83/

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation TRB, 1974, 232 p. + app., fig., graph., tab., ref.; DOT HS 800 874

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