Alcohol Safety Action Projects : evaluation of operations - 1973. Preliminary evaluation of first two years of operations for 29 projects funded in FY 1970 and 1971, April 1, 1974.


A preliminary summary of the first two years of 29 Alcohol Safety Action Projects (ASAPs) is presented. The ASAPs embody a systematic, multi-faceted effort to combat the drinking driving problem. The ASAP program, evaluation problems and procedures, impact on drivers on the road with high bac's, impacts upon alcohol related crashes, enforcement countermeasures and the catalytic effects of ASAPs are highlighted. See also B 6016.

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B 4524 /83/

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation, 1974, 29 p. + app., graph., tab.; DOT HS 800 973

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