Alcohol use among victims of vehicular crashes admitted to a level I trauma center.

Dischinger, P.C. & Cowley, R.A.

Estimates of alcohol use among non- fatal accidents remain biased by selective BAC testing. The National Accident Sampling System (NASS), relies on a sampling of accident and police reports to obtain estimates of alcohol- involved accidents. Alcohol testing, while not routinely obtained by the police, is routinely obtained on patients admitted to some trauma centers.Although this population is a select group at one end of the spectrum of injury severity, it gives some insight into the validity of police reported estimates of alcohol use.

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B 29421 (In: B 29419S) /83 /83 / IRRD 826450

In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2- 4, 1989, p.17- 28, 13 ref.

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