Alcool, médicaments, stupéfiants au volant = Alcohol, pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and driving.

Wennig, R.

A great number of clinical, epidemiological, pharmacological and toxicological data on the influence of psychotropics on driving are available. These psychotropics include psycholeptics like ethanol, opioids, psychoanaleptics like cocaine, amphetamines and congeners, psychodysleptics like cannabis, LSD and magic mushrooms. General epidemiology and specific epidemiology for Luxembourg will be outlined. Practical aspects of roadside testing, forensic aspects as well as the place of hair testing in drugs and road safety issues will be discussed. (Author/publisher)

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20061104 ST [electronic version only]

Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Médicales du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, 2005, No. 1, p. 23-33, 7 ref.

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