Allgemeiner Überblick über die Wirkung von Kohlenmonoxid auf den Menschen.

Mallorny, G.

This paper outlines the elements of influence of carbon monoxide on the human body. The author gives a synopsis of the results of research which is done by three teams working in the field of pharmacology, toxicology, neurology, biochemistry and neuropathology. In recent years they have dealt with the problem of the effects of low carbon monoxide concentrations. On these findings and the latest knowledge the proposal is made to select 8 ppm. & 40 ppm. as limits for the permissible carbon monoxide concentrations in ambient air.

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8 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 954 fo /93/

In: Kohlenmonoxid-Entstehung, Messung und Wirkungskriterien-Kolloquium der VDI- Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft, 28 und 29 Oktober 1971, Düsseldorf. VDI-Berichte Nr.180, 1972, p. 47-58, 18 fig., 25 ref.

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