Alternative merge sign at signalized intersections.

Feldblum, E.G.

A research study was performed to develop, field test and evaluate a trial merge warning sign to be used for merging at some signalised intersections. At the present time, the "Lane Ends" sign (W4-2) is commonly used in the United States to alert drivers that a merge ahead is required. One location where this sign is used is after signalised intersections where an additional through-lane ends. To encourage an alternating merge pattern, a trial sign was developed and field tested at two intersections in Connecticut. Merging patterns were monitored via video cameras before and after the sign was installed. An evaluation was completed to determine the effectiveness of this experimental sign, in accordance with Section 1A.10 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2000. The experimental merge sign was successful in improving the traffic flow and safety of the merges. After placement of this sign, the number of desirable merges, with no visible change in speed from any of the merging vehicles, increased by 10%. The number of undesirable merges, with excessive visible change in speed, decreased by 4%. (Author/publisher)

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C 50590 [electronic version only] /72 /

Rocky Hill, CT, Connecticut Department of Transportation, 2005, IX + 26 p. + app., 8 ref.; CT-2233-F-05-4

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