Analising the effect of driver characteristics on ISA system and developing indivisuslized methods of presenting information.

Nakada, K. Hong, S. & Suzuki, K.

Various kinds of the Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) devices were put into practical use today. However high-level systems such as the pre-crash brake didn’t become common because ofthe costs for the practical use. Based on this situation, a simple and effective system isneeded in Japan and many countries. Therefore we focused on optimizing the methods of presenting information regarding Advisory Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) based on the characteristics of driver. At first we carried out a real-vehicle experiment and questionnaire to investigate the driver behavior. Secondly we categorized driver characteristics. At last we carried out a driving simulator (DS) experiment to optimize the methods of presenting information for each driver groups. This publication may be accessed by Internet users at:

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20130304 m ST (In: ST 20130304 [electronic version only])

In: Road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world : current issues and future challenges : papers and presentations presented at the 25th workshop of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety ICTCT, Hasselt, Belgium, October 8-9, 2012, Pp.

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