Analysis and verifications for critical visual conditions.

Ranzo, A. & Cantisani, G.

The environmental factors when travelling in daylight conditions, particularly for too bright surfaces or in presence of the direct sun in driver's visual field, could cause critical situations. Luminance distribution, if it is not sufficiently balanced, contributes to a psychophysic altered state. In this case it will compromise the capability to acquire necessary indications and information. The present study contains, following a short reference to the physiology of vision and the perception of road layout by drivers, a verification method in the case of glare (sun intrusion) in the visual field. Furthermore, the study examines some procedures to avoid or mitigate effects of dangerous safety deficit caused by environmental factors. (Author/publisher)

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C 21687 (In: C 21686 S) /82 /83 / ITRD E206936

In: Proceedings of the conference `Road safety in Europe', Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998, VTI Konferens No. 10A, Part 7, p. 21-37, 12 ref.

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