Analysis of bicycle accidents as a basis for the design of urban cycling facilities.

Ploss, G. & Keller, H.

Every year, about 1, 000 cyclists are killed in street accidents in the Federal Republic of Germany, and as many as 20, 000 are seriously injured. Most of these accidents happen in urban areas. The trends of the previous years indicate that accident figures might rather increase in future. The aim of this paper is to point out important features of accidents with cyclists by a detailed analysis of accident data. In this way, it offers planning boards effective help in assessing and designing alternatives of street and cycle track networks.

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B 29660 (In: B 29651 [electronic version only]) /21 /72 / IRRD 828527

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Ways and Means for Improved Safety, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 20-23, 1989, p. 94-111, 8 ref.

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