An analysis of the effectiveness of written driver license examinations in evaluating applicant driving abilities. Task 1: recommended revisions of test and manual. Prepared for the Arizona Department of Transportation.

McKnight, A.J.

Based on a survey of driver's license manual/test state-of-the-art and an analysis of the Arizona manual and test, recommendations were developed for improvements in both the manual and the test. Recommendations for improvement focused on changes involving manual and test content in the following areas: safe driving practices, rationale and driver licensing requirements. Additionally, it was recommended that some unnecessary material be omitted and that readability be improved by avoiding technical words and long or compound sentences. See also IRRS Nos 806659 and 806660.

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C 1708 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 806658

Phoenix, Arizona, Arizona Department of Transportation DOT / Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1985, 14 + 39 p., 4 ref.; FHWA/AZ 85/225-I

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