Analysis of EuroNCAP Effectiveness. PENDANT Pan-European Co-ordinated Accident and Injury Databases, Workpackage 2 - Development and analysis of in-depth crash injury database for car occupants and pedestrians, Analysis as part of Deliverable D11, Ap...

Tomasch, E.

Originally the car manufacturers’ response to EuroNCAP was somewhat negative; however, EuroNCAP has become an important source of information for vehicle safety. Manufactures were forced to improve their safety standards and through the star rating system, consumers gained information which made it possible to compare different cars. Such a comparison was very difficult prior to the introduction of EuroNCAP. Within this section of the analysis the main focus is on crashes and vehicles which would match current EuroNCAP test procedures (frontal, side, and pole impact crashes). 'Pole crash' is used as an umbrella term for impacts with trees, poles/posts or narrow objects. One of the objectives was to determine whether or not EuroNCAP tests are still in line with current crash situations. Due to preselection of crashes during the data collection, results are sometimes limited. Predominantly, new cars were collected and in the whole sample crashes with more severe injuries were preferred (20% of accidents MAIS 3+). During the first few months it was decided to examine old vehicles if they were involved in an accident with a new vehicle (year of manufacture earlier than 1998). No distinction was made between whether the occupants were injured in the new or old car.. Comparison between old and new cars is difficult, due to new cars forming 70% of the sample. Difference in injury severity could give an impression of the performance of new vehicles. (Author/publisher)

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C 39450 [electronic version only]

Loughborough, Loughborough University, Vehicle Safety Research Centre, 2006, 125 p.

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