An analysis of individual preferences for accessibility to selected neighborhood services.

Peterson, G.L. & R.D. Worrall.

A theory is given for accessibility preferences, based on equilibrium between a desire to have a number of nearly neighbourhood facilities and a desire for separation and insulation from irritation. Reactions to possible changes in the neighbourhood, such as may be caused by a new road were obtained by interview in Chicago suburb. Rank order and paired comparisons measurements were made. Results suggest a model for a neighbourhood evaluation, expremed in qualitative preference scales, A log-normal function for accessibility preference is derived. Substitution effects for the neighbourhood facilities were not examined. The possibility of psychometric analysis for transport investigations is discussed.

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A 7172 + fo (In: A 7163 S) IRRD 51382

In: Socioeconomic considerations in transportation planning, Highway Research Record HRR, No. 305, 1970, p. 99-111

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