Analysis of a modified gravity model.

Edens, H.J.

The modified gravity model is a trip distribution model that differs from the existing gravity model in that two sets of friction curves are used. The selection of the curves from a family of curves is controlled by the requirement that row and column totals of the distribution origin-destination matrix are equal to the assumed trip and values. The paper compares the two models and shows that the existing gravity model is a special case of the more general modified gravity model. The results of one calibration for work trips for a test city are presented.

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18 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 5776 T IRRD 50835

Transportation Research, Vol. 4 (1970), No. 1 (April), p. 51-62

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