Analysis of pre-impact and impact phase in real high-speed crash video recordings.

Paolo, P. Stohr, S. & Franco, Z.

The effectiveness of advanced restraint systems is often reduced or compromised by incorrect of unforeseen body movements before impact, determinedthe known "out-of-position" situation; it is, however, very difficult to simulate these movements with dummies, or even with volunteer drivers. This paper analyses a series of crashes that occurred over 10 years in a driving school, based at a racing circuit in Italy. The cars were equipped with video recorders and telemetry, allowing the collection of visual and numerical information about the impact itself and also the preceding seconds.The incidents include impacts against barriers and rollovers. From video recording analysis it is possible to draw realistic information about occupants' movements in the pre-impact and impact phases, including both inertial and voluntary movements and their kinematic parameters. For the covering abstract see ITRD E134311.

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C 43337 (In: C 43328 CD-ROM) /80 / ITRD E134320

In: Proceedings of the 2005 International IRCOBI Conference on the biomechanics of impact, Prague (Czech Republic), September 21-23, 2005, 12 p.

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