Analysis of single vehicle accidents caused by young passenger car drivers based on original police reports.

Siska, T.

Research in Hungary in 1988 revealed that the number of accidents by vehicle km is highest among 19-20 year old drivers. This is true for both car drivers and motor cyclists although the accident risks of the latter greatly exceed those of car drivers. In 1993 injury accidents caused by young drivers were analysed using a statistical database. Results show that most accidents caused by 17-24 year old car drivers occur because of selection of wrong speed. Both increased tendency to take risks, characteristic of young people, and inexperience play a part in this. The data also show that, among the causes of accidents, the proportion of failing to give way, overtaking, inappropriate turning, too little headway, is no higher than among accidents caused by older drivers. Among young drivers, the proportion of single vehicle accidents is very high (36%). These include collisions with a fixed object, rolling over, leaving the carriageway and swerving. To prevent these accidents, it is important to find the contributory factors. Among drivers exceeding the speed limit, 46% were above alcohol limit. Analysis of statistical data gives information about location, road and visibility conditions, injuries etc, but reveals little or nothing about the events leading up to the accident and the behaviour of the driver.

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C 14443 (In: C 14427 S) /83 / IRRD 894545

In: Proceedings of the conference Road Safety in Europe and Strategic Highway Research Program SHRP, Prague, the Czech Republic, September 20-22, 1995, VTI Konferens No. 4A, Part 2, p. 155-169, 4 ref.

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