The analysis of traffic behaviour by video.

Horst, A.R.A. van der

From the analysis of traffic behaviour by video the following conclusions can be drawn (1) recording and analysing the traffic behaviour in detail may give a lot of information about the functioning of several road design elements, (2) the method as described in this paper, based on video, enables a process oriented analysis of interacting behaviour between road users, not necessarily restricted only to the time-to - collision concept, and (3) however, in spite of a semi-automatic analysis procedure by the use of a mini computer, the quantitative analysis remains time consuming. Further automation of the procedure seems necessary. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD abstract no 265671.

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B 21015 (In: B 21012) /83 / IRRD 265674

In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Traffic Conflicts Techniques, organized by the International Committee on Traffic Conflicts Techniques ICTCT, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, April 1982, p. 26-41, 6 fig., 7 graph., 1 tab., 14 ref.

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