Analysis of truck braking accidents.

Limpert, R. & Andrews, D.F.

The findings presented in this paper are based upon the investigation and reconstruction of more than 250 commercial vehicle accidents. Practical methods yielding acceptable results in terms of speed determination and fade and temperature prediction in truck run- away accidents are presented. The importance of accurate and complete data collection with respect to accident scene, mechanical condition of the vehicle, and driver human factors are discussed.

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B 26939 (In: B 26928) /80 /91 / IRRD 812485

In: Accident Reconstruction: Automobiles, tractor, semi- trailers, motorcycles and pedestrians.SAE publication No.P- 193. Proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 23- 27, 1987, p.85- 95. SAE paper No. 870504.

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