Analysis of Unsignalized Intersections in Algeria.

Belguesmia, N.

To assess the performance of traffic operation at unsignalized intersections various methods are in use. These methods are based on analytical approaches obtained from probability and queuing theory. This paper investigates the capacity and the delay of unsignalized intersections with a specific view on conditions in Algeria. Studies are based on observations at four intersections in the suburban zone of the town of Mostaganem in Algeria. The basic methodology is based on the critical gap theory. Observations have been analyzed by the maximum likelihood method to estimate critical gaps and follow-up times. Further analysis shows that the capacity of minor streams at an unsignalized intersection can be best calculated by Siegloch's model. Moreover, the analysis of delay comparing various methods indicated that the D2-A3-model by Brilon gives the best estimate for the average delay. Consequently, the best adaptation to Algerian traffic conditions was achieved by this combination of models. Based on the selected model for capacity and delay, recommendations were developed for analysis and management of unsignalized intersections in Algeria.

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C 44133 (In: C 43862 CD-ROM) /73 ITRD E841102

In: Compendium of papers CD-ROM 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2008, 20 p.

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